Monday, September 8, 2008

scrapbook monday

It is 'scrapbook Monday' but sadly I am not scrapping. Sigh. We were in a car accident yesterday {everyone is OK, soccer mom mini van is not}. We were crashed into by a crazy driver gentleman while we were sitting at a stop sign, and ended up being smashed up and turned another direction entirely,air bags exploding, van crumpling... Today we got the kiddies checked out by our doctor, just to be safe, and installed new car seats in our rental car {did you know you cannot use car seats after they have been in an accident?}. Anyway, my back is pretty sore, so I am missing out on scrapping at Kelly's, and instead am laying in bed with my lap top, checking out my favorite blogs!

Since I am not scrapping tonight, I thought I would post a few photos of LOs that were already uploaded onto my computer. They are oldies, but {I think} still goodies...

{totally scraplifted Candice Carpenter on this one...}

Something that cheered me out of my rage against crazy drivers funk today... I found the new Ali Edwards book that I pre-ordered, in my mailbox today {and it's an autographed copy -so cool}. So, when I finish blog stalking I can read all about the mini books that I am going to soon be scraplifting!


Stay Funny said...

Thank God that you are all OK, sorry about your van. Love all your layouts!!! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Sorry if this is a duplicate from me, but the first comment I typed has disappeared???
Anyways, I am very glad that you and the kids are okay after the accident. How incredibly scary for all of you! Was Kevin with you too?
Carrie forwarded me your blog, so now I can follow your adventures in Ontario again. Everything looks like you are having a great time!