Sunday, July 20, 2008

girlie road trip

That's what it was! This past weekend, Renee and I headed south to Watertown, New York for a little cross-border shopping trip {without kiddies or husbands}! It was so much fun to be able to try on clothes without simultaneously entertaining kiddies in the fitting room, handing out snacks, toting a diaper bag and steering clear of tantrums... We stopped at so many places even I was tired of shopping by the end of the day! But I came home happy, and with many great new things to wear {it's not fair that the kiddies dress better than me all the time, is it?}.

While I was gone, I was happy to hear that K and the kids were having too much fun to miss me at all - they were playing with Renee's husband and daughter - so a great day was had by all!

1 comment:

Closet Artist said...

Next time we need to ask someone to take a pic of us! That picture you posted of us is so old! We look much better now!! LOL