Wednesday, July 16, 2008

off he goes...

to pre-school, my big boy. This has been a monumental time in our home. It has never been easy for me to leave R - we have gone through some serious separation anxiety {he and I both, I think}. Since the move I have been trying to get R ready for starting Junior Kindergarten in the fall. Recently he started pre-school and it was not without some drama. R was very nervous about the idea, {as was I}, and made the tour of the pre-school an emotional day for me, bringing out his worst behavior in front of the director {seriously I was surprised they accepted him after the show he put on}!

Anyway, after a bit of crying at drop-off on the first day...R discovered that he loves pre-school. "It is fun". No kidding. What was I so worried about - he is thriving there. Now he walks in the door, waves good-bye and doesn't look back. He is making new friends and communicating well without me around {this is a big step for my shy boy}. Each time he goes, he comes home with stories and crafts that he has made, and now he even asks if he can go more often...hmmmmm. I am seeing my baby grow up, and it is wonderful.


Closet Artist said...

It's always harder on the parents! Good for you mom for making this decision and letting your little ones try something different.

Anonymous said...

that must be a pretty big lunch he packs in there, the bag is bigger than he is! he must get his love of oversize bags from his mother. :-)