Thursday, April 3, 2008

from small beginnings come great things

So here we go...I have officially begun blogging. I have to admit I am feeling pressure to say something meaningful...well it isn't going to happen today. This is just a place for me to share with friends and family what I am up to (and possibly what my husband and two lovely children are up to - since they are the 'and one + two" in the title). This is also a place for me to feel all creative and crafty and show off my scrapbooking layouts, my decorated home or other such craftiness. Possibly from this small beginning will come great things...we will see.

We are in the middle of our move to the new city. This will be a BIG change for us all obviously, but in an effort to stay positive I think I am going to try and look at it as a series of small beginnings that could lead to great things. I am going to have to change to adapt to our life in the new city, but change can be good, right? I am going to have to step outside of my comfort zone to make sure this move is successful. I am going to try new things, go out of my way to meet new people and experience new places - and I will share it all here with you! The sad part about this new beginning is of course the ending of our lives in the city that has been home to me and saying good-bye to wonderful friends. The really sad part is leaving my family because they are so deeply involved in my life and my children's lives that I am not sure what it will be like not living near them. But because I am trying to focus on beginnings here, I am going to end this before I start getting into sad endings. I will save that for when I am a more experienced blogger.

Since this post is about beginnings I have included a page from S's album that I made recently called "me and you just beginning". I am using it as the title page to her first scrapbook.

(You are going to have to excuse the fact that this post ran on for longer than I really want my posts to be...and also the fact that I have obviously not yet figured out how to post good pictures of my scrapbooking LOs - i am a beginner).

Cheers to new beginnings!!!


Elle Jay Bee said...

I thought I would sneak in and be your first commenter! Welcome to the world of blogging and get prepared for this to become a bit addicting!

Your scrapbook page is are very talented!

Have fun!

Closet Artist said...

Yeah congratulations to you {me doing happy dance and throwing confetti!}
Your blog is beautiful and your blog name is absolutely perfect!!!


goddessof4 said...

Welcome aboard!!!! I feel new to blogging but I have been doing it for a little over a year now!!! Time flies!!!LOL Sara