Saturday, December 27, 2008

holiday home

Anyone that has been to my home during the holidays knows how much I love Christmas ornaments. And every ornament has a story {ok, maybe not every one...some are just plain cute}!

R really enjoyed unwrapping all the ornaments with me, he liked hearing all the stories, and he liked hanging them all on the tree {on the bottom third of the tree hanging all together with 10 ornaments to each I had to move them a bit when he wasn't looking...}! While unwrapping a sparkly ornament, R holds it up to me and asked, "Did you get this one when you and Daddy were in Africa?" {I thought this was so funny, especially since K and I have never been to Africa, and it was a gold...camel???}

These are some of my recent favorites. This gingerbread man is our very first "made at school" by R ornament...
R made this one at school too...

Grandma & Grandpa sent this little cupcake for Miss S this year, because you know how she loves her cuppy-cakes...

I gave this one to K after our trip to France {I love all Eiffel Towers, even R will see something with an Eiffel Tower and say "Mom, there's your tower that you love"...{sigh} I love him}!
I should have taken a photo of the glittery Eiffel Tower ornament Renee gave me too, but I have now already packed away all Christmas at our house {I have never done it this early before, but I am getting ready for the move}.

Here's one that my parents gave me, 'cause I'm a little obsessed with taking photos {in case you hadn't noticed}...
This ship brings back memories of the cruise we took the December when I was pregnant with Miss S...

Here is the Alice in Wonderland I gave Miss S last year...

and the Humpty Dumpty for R, the same year...

This one reminds me of the trip K and I took to New Orleans, where I ate alligator {really I did}...

and this one, of us going to a Twins game when we were in Minneapolis...

I gave this decoration to my little ballerina this year, so we always remember her first dancing lessons...
Our tree had to have a Scottie, because they are so charming...

These were for K one year, because he loves his tools...

and this Santa, another year, because it is just so him...

I just love the glitter star {it's a Wendy Addison - the glitter goddess, see more here}...

And this one I love because it is from the Charlotte Lyons Sweet Mountain Holiday Collection...

and I think those kiddies on the sled could be R and S!
Topping it all off, we have Hippie Angel, that was once on my parents tree for many years {until they replaced her with a more modern 'barbie' looking angel} and I kept, because I have a soft spot for her 70's look and crazy hair...

Happy Holidays!


Closet Artist said...

Your home was beautiful this year and if it was paired down, I can't wait to see your home all done up for next year.

Mellisa said...

Look at all of those delicious ornaments. So festive. I love it.