Tuesday, December 16, 2008

o christmas tree

Last week, my little handy-man helper and I put up our second tree.

{Miss S was watching the Dora Christmas movie - she has discovered Dora, and since she gave up napping at the ripe old age of 2!!!, I don't mind if she has a little 'quiet time' with Dora every now and then}!

It is a tiny little tree that my Dad bought for me when I was in University. I already had a small collection of ornaments and no where to put them, so one day he gave me this little tree.

R loves building things and fixing things, so I put him to work sorting the color-coded branches and assembling the tree {yes, it is that type of old-school artificial tree!}...

He loved that he can reach the top of this one...

We had the mandatory sugar-break required for all my child laborers...

And, voila...

{This is the new little tree skirt I bought in Omaha - Renee thought it was a quilted cape for Miss S! It does have the cutest little buttons on it...maybe Miss S can wear it after the holidays}...

One or two of these photos will be making their way into my December Daily album, soon {however I realized today that I haven't ever even unpacked my photo paper - so printing a photo a day is not going to work out so well for me. My album will be finished after December, I guess, when I can order all my photos at once online!}

1 comment:

Closet Artist said...

I'll be right beside you working on my December album in January. Let's set a night specifically for it!! LOL