Friday, December 5, 2008

dear santa...

{This is a layout of last year's letter that I did recently, because who are we kidding...I haven't scrapbooked this year's yet...that will happen sometime in 2009 if I am lucky!}

Yesterday the kiddies wrote their letters to Santa. R has been thinking about his wish list for a while now, so he knew exactly what to ask for...

He decided on four things, because he is four...good logic there! Miss S has decided recently that she wants a video game {???} for Christmas and it has to be pink...

I am sure this is because big brother has a Leapster that he does not let little Miss S touch. {Maybe Santa can come up with something a little more...appropriate, for a two-year old. I think Santa is pondering a little talking pink princess book that has a magical wand. That could be considered video game-like, right?}

When asked what else she wants, Miss S just shrugs and says "Nothing". Huh. I tried the you're two so you can ask for two things logic, but no, Miss S wants nothing. Good luck Santa!

Jolly old Saint Nicholas,
lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell a single soul
what I'm going to say:
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
now, you dear old man
Whisper what you'll bring to me;
tell me if you can.

When the clock is striking twelve,
when I'm fast asleep
Down the chimney, broad and black,
with your pack you'll creep
All the stockings you will find
hanging in a row
Mine will be the shortest one,
you'll be sure to know

Bobby wants a pair of skates,
Suzy wants a sled
Nellie wants a picture book,
yellow, blue, and red
Now I think I'll leave to you
what to give the rest
Choose for me, dear Santa Claus;
you will know the best.


Mellisa said...

Those are great photos of the kiddies writing their letters from Santa. I love the tree too, from your post below, and the silhouette in the front. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

you will have to let me know if the reindeer damage your roof. how cute.