Saturday, November 1, 2008

trick or treat

Mommy: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Miss S: A Bumblebee!

Mommy: What does a Bumblebee say?
Miss S: Beeeeeeee! Bzzzzzz!

Miss S: Where's my 'tinger? I'm going to 'ting you!
Mommy: You're going to sting me? You are a silly Bumblebee!
Miss S: Look. This is how a Bumblebee dances...

Miss S: R is 'piderman. I love 'piderman.
Mommy: You love Spiderman?
Miss S: And Batman!

R: Mom, can I tell you something? This is how Spiderman shoots his webs...

R: Can we go trick or treating now? Trick or treat, smell my feet...


Stay Funny said...

What great costumes!!!! hope they had fun trick or treating!!!

Anonymous said...

Those costumes are so cute. S

Mellisa said...

They are adorable. Hope you/they had a great Halloween.