Wednesday, November 26, 2008

so i saw it

Twilight. The movie.

And it was alright, but the books are better. The girls I saw it with {Kelly and Lee Ann read the books, and Christine hasn't yet, but is going to now} loved it. We decided to check out the movie on Monday instead of scrapbooking. I am still just thinking about how bad the vampire make-up was! But I did love the vampire baseball game... Overall, I had a good time, thought the acting was a bit cheesy, but, there is just something about that vampire story...

Or maybe it's just like Lee Ann said, "it makes you want to be a teenager again"...
Oy, I am so old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan, I know what you mean about being disappointed with the movie. I went with a group of girlfriends too (on opening night...we must have been crazy...lots of screaming teenage girls) and they all loved it. Most of it just came off as cheesy to me. I couldn't help feeling like I wished I had just stuck with the books and kept my visualizations intact. Sounds like you are doing well out East. Any plans to come home for Christmas? Carrie