Wednesday, November 5, 2008

sweet atc?

One of the Silver Bella swaps I am participating in, is the Sweet Valentine's Prom ATC Swap {to go with the whole prom theme that is happening at the event}. This is the ATC I have done so far, but I'm thinking it is not quite right, it needs something more?...

I may have to go back to the scraproom and work on them a little more...{...or I could just package them up pretty and call it done, and then hop on the plane and go have fun - yes, let's go with that}! Less than a week 'til Silver Bella!


Mellisa said...

great ATC. I like how you highlighted the heart with glitter. Have a great trip.

Stay Funny said...

LOVE your ATC's!!!!! Amazing work!!!! like always Sxx