Wednesday, April 8, 2009

grandpa will love this...

On the morning of R's first skating lesson, I overheard this conversation between R and K {as R was already putting on his warm layers and jersey even though skating isn't until after school}.

R: Are there going to be side benches where Grandpa can sit when he comes to my skating?
Daddy: Yes, there are benches where he can watch you.
R: That's good, because Grandpa is really old. How old will he be when he comes here to watch me skating?

{I am sure Grandpa can not wait to come and watch R skate, and he will be able to do it soon}

This is the kiddies before thier first official skating lesson, getting ready in "a real dressing room" {from l to r, the other Miss S, R, E and then Miss S}...

and this is two seconds later, when Miss S had her first official fall {but she made it look so graceful}...

This is the kiddies first session of skating lessons, although R has been skating for a couple years {back home, at the lake mostly). Miss S and the other Miss S are technically too young to be in this program {you are supposed to be 3} but you can not say 'no' to these girls, so they were allowed in anyway.

Miss S required a bit of help getting on the ice {it is a non-parented program}...

but by the end of class, she was doing pretty good on her own...

R did great on his own, the whole class. On the way home he kept asking...

"Did you see how fast I skated backwards???"

The kiddies were assessed...

and then divided into small groups based on their ability...
Go R Go...

As I sat there watching the kiddies with K, and Monique and her husband, I realized this is probably just the beginning of my life spent in hockey arenas!

1 comment:

auntie m said...

doesn't little S need a face mask?? she looks wobbly. eeek.

and just how really old is grandpa?? he he