Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the twilight saga?

I have been hearing so much about The Twilight Saga books, by Stephenie Meyer, lately that I decided I had to see for myself what all the hoopla is about. So today, despite the fact that books about vampires are not something I normally would read, I bought the first book in the series. I'll let you know what I think...


Closet Artist said...

Another hyped series that I have been humming and hawing about so I'll be waiting to hear what you think!

Carrie Goode said...

Hi Megan, I have just finished the series and so have a bunch of the girls from work. It wasn't anything I thought I would like but we all loved it. Let me know what you think!

one and one + two said...

I'm commenting on my own post! Loved the book, can't wait to start the next one. I would recommend it to anyone {even if, like me, you think you wouldn't like a book about vampires!}