Saturday, August 2, 2008

handmade goodness

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have been babying a cold that I caught, and taking it easy. Grandpa was here for a short visit to see the grandkids, and K was in Chicago on a work trip {if only I could have tagged along...and tried to meet Oprah}.

In my cold medicine induced fog, I can't come up with anything interesting to here is some more of my random randomness...

I think I need some of the Cosmo Cricket "Mr Campy" line, to scrapbook our many camping trips {love the retroness}...

I am an etsy addict these days. Love all the handmade goodness! This pretty scarf, from VintageGardenKnits was found in my mailbox on Friday {almost makes me wish for winter}...

I have also been drooling over these hats lately and am thinking that Miss S and I could use them {it does snow a lot here - so they aren't just pretty - they are practical, right?}...

All this lovely knitwear is making me want to pick up knitting again... I have been talking about having a Friday Night Knitting Club in my home {although I am thinking it will have to not be on Fridays - I just like the name, and the reference to the Julia Roberts movie that we can go and see when it comes out...}. Just a chance for myself and a few friends to get together, have coffee, chat and learn to knit. {I sense K and Auntie M laughing as they read this...and K will be making his 'grandma' comments and getting the rocking chairs ready} so - just so we are clear - this will not be your Grandma's knitting circle - this will be a 'chicks with sticks' type of knitting group...OK?!?

Today Renee and I shopped, and had coffee in the Glebe, and talked about all our plans for Silver Bella. We are on the lookout for prom dresses {this is quite the challenge since we are no longer sixteen years old or a size 2 - and, who are we kidding, that is who prom dresses are made for}. Our plan is to come up with some type of prom-like outfit involving vintage crinolines, big {think SJP in Sex & the City} corsages and of course, layers and layers of pearls {to go with the Silver Bella theme} we hit a couple vintage shops on Bank Street. I came home without a prom dress, but with some beautiful handmade vintage trims and crocheted flowers to use at Silver Bella or for scrapbooking projects.

Well, that is all I have... Must go get more sleep.


Closet Artist said...

You and Miss S both need one of those hats!! Since we have to deal with winter and a lot of snow, why not face it lookin' fine?!!

Anonymous said...

ha a hahah!! that is me laughing. and that would also cut into stacy and clinton time.

Anonymous said...

You will love that scarf, bring it to Silver Bella!