Thursday, January 1, 2009

auld lang syne

I cannot believe it is 2009. It has been a crazy year for me. And it has just gone by so quickly. Who knew that I would be here - across the country, away from family and friends and the place I grew up - in a new city, a new home, making new friends and a new life? Who knew it would be so fun? If you asked me a year ago, I would have said "Not me".

But here I am, at the end of a big year, and I'm doing OK. Actually, better than OK, I'm doing pretty good! The four of us are doing well, we are all healthy and happy, and having a good time. And now, home to me is where ever the four of us are... So all is good. Happy New Year!
To celebrate, the kiddies and I went to Jill & Ian's for a New Year's Eve party. Kelly & Patrick, Christine & Larry, and Jen were there too, and several other new friends. We went early for a wonderful dinner with adults and kiddies. After dinner and some play, kiddies were put to bed upstairs, and the adults carried on with the party! K arrived from work, just after I had put the kiddies to bed in a guest room, but in time to still hear the giggling, playing and having-way-too-much-fun going on upstairs! Eventually the kiddies actually fell asleep, and we rang in the New Year. We toasted with champagne, and eventually K and I took our still sleeping kiddies home!

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