Wednesday, June 10, 2009

and so it begins

My life as a hockey mom. I see my future spent in smelly dressing rooms and arenas. Driving to early morning practices and games. Freezing in the stands. Avoiding the scary hockey moms that yell at the refs. And the coaches. And all the kids.

But it is worth it all, to see this...

{And yes, I did take my camera into the locker room, much to K's horror. I can probably get arrested for it, but it was too cute to pass up}

R was so excited to get his "real hockey player equipment". Especially his "real skates like the Sens wear". And his mouth guard.

{DoubleTrouble - E is playing hockey too}

Guess who else was excited. These two...

K. Daddy. He is so excited to see his boy playing hockey. He had a little too much fun getting the boy all decked out in his gear.

And Grandpa. Grandpa has been talking about "When R starts playing hockey..." since about the time R was born. No, maybe when I announced I was pregnant. I thought maybe R should learn to walk first, before he plays hockey. Grandpa wouldn't miss this for the world {he did move across the country to see it}.

Lookout NHL, here comes R!

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