Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Miss S loves, loves, loves the movie Tangled. Seriously loves it.

She loves Rapunzel so much, she wanted to invite 'the real Rapunzel' to her birthday party.
Well magically, 'the real Rapunzel' did come to Miss S's party. And she was fabulous!

She read stories...

and danced...

and played games...

glitterized the girls...

and even sang the songs from the movie. She was amazing! The girls loved her. They were in awe of her. They did what ever she told them to do {bonus for me}!

Just in case you were wondering where R was during the party - it was all too girly and princess-y for him, he was not interested at all...

Well, maybe he was a little bit interested!

Miss S became an Official Princess for the day at a very official ceremony. After confirming that she was in fact turning f-i-v-e, not four, but FIVE...

Miss S was sworn in, and would become Princess S until midnight that evening. She took the official oath and everything...

and promised to always be kind to everyone, just like a true Princess. It was so cute at how seriously Princess S took everything.

Rapunzel carried out the birthday girl's cupcake and sang happy birthday with us...

and she posed for photos...

It was the

{If you want 'the real Rapunzel' to come to your party too, you can invite her here - we did the Fantasy Princess package. I could not recommend this Rapunzel enough - she was perfect}


Closet Artist said...

SO happy your Rapunzel was perfect. We have attended some princess parties where the invited princess was less than impressive.

Kataroo said...

love love love :)