Thursday, October 7, 2010

fall photo shoot

While waiting for Christine and her boys to meet us at Jack Pine Trail this past weekend, I took the opportunity to have an impromptu 'photo shoot'. The scenery was beautiful, the weather was great, I {of course} had my camera with me. The hard part, was convincing the subject of my photo to cooperate. To simply smile...
or even just look at the camera. I think Miss S is over to the right here, putting on a little show to encourage a laugh. She likes to help like that...

Seriously, it's like pulling teeth...

And then of course, having two subjects in my photo just doubles my trouble. I'm over HERE Miss S...

Alright, enough already. This is as good a photo I'm going to get, I guess...

Can't you just hear them saying "Are we done yet?"

1 comment:

Behind Closed Doors said...

Hate to break this to you but it doesn't get any better! Actually I am pretty sure it gets worse!!